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Effects of Pharmaceutical Effluents on the Chemical. Composition of Various Vegetables in Sahiwal Region Punjab, Pakistan

Received: 2 January 2020     Accepted: 27 February 2020     Published: 28 May 2020
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The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of toxic metals such as Lead (pb), Chromium (Cr), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe) and Cadmium (Cd) in pharmaceutical effluents, agricultural soil and vegetables (Pumpkin, Green Chilli and Spinach) in Sahiwal Region, Punjab, Pakistan, where many pharmaceutical industries producing effluents that contain toxic metals, reagents, organic compounds and catalyst. These pharmaceutical effluents are being used for irrigation purpose. Different samples of efflents, soil and vegitables analysed. Though the detected amounts are exceeded from WHO irrigation limits in water samples other than zinc. The analysis of soil sample showed that All metals were exceeding the controlled sample and WHO limits. The testing in vegetables samples showed that all the metals exceeded the permissible limit other than Fe and it was concluded that agricultural soil and vegetables of small industrial estate area of Sahiwal region were contaminated by increasing concentration of toxic metals due to untreated pharmaceutical effluents. There is a need of regular monitoring of pharmaceutiocal effluents enterimg into irrigation water sources in order to save quality of vegatables and health hazards.

Published in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (Volume 5, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.cbe.20200502.11
Page(s) 45-50
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2020. Published by Science Publishing Group


Pharmaceutical Effluents, Soil, Vegetables, Toxic Metals

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  • APA Style

    Muhammad Nasir Javed, Sami Ullah, Abid Ali, Muhammad Zeshan, Kanwal Shehzadi, et al. (2020). Effects of Pharmaceutical Effluents on the Chemical. Composition of Various Vegetables in Sahiwal Region Punjab, Pakistan. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 5(2), 45-50. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.cbe.20200502.11

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    ACS Style

    Muhammad Nasir Javed; Sami Ullah; Abid Ali; Muhammad Zeshan; Kanwal Shehzadi, et al. Effects of Pharmaceutical Effluents on the Chemical. Composition of Various Vegetables in Sahiwal Region Punjab, Pakistan. Chem. Biomol. Eng. 2020, 5(2), 45-50. doi: 10.11648/j.cbe.20200502.11

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    AMA Style

    Muhammad Nasir Javed, Sami Ullah, Abid Ali, Muhammad Zeshan, Kanwal Shehzadi, et al. Effects of Pharmaceutical Effluents on the Chemical. Composition of Various Vegetables in Sahiwal Region Punjab, Pakistan. Chem Biomol Eng. 2020;5(2):45-50. doi: 10.11648/j.cbe.20200502.11

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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Effects of Pharmaceutical Effluents on the Chemical. Composition of Various Vegetables in Sahiwal Region Punjab, Pakistan
    AU  - Muhammad Nasir Javed
    AU  - Sami Ullah
    AU  - Abid Ali
    AU  - Muhammad Zeshan
    AU  - Kanwal Shehzadi
    AU  - Muhammad Khalid
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    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.cbe.20200502.11
    AB  - The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of toxic metals such as Lead (pb), Chromium (Cr), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe) and Cadmium (Cd) in pharmaceutical effluents, agricultural soil and vegetables (Pumpkin, Green Chilli and Spinach) in Sahiwal Region, Punjab, Pakistan, where many pharmaceutical industries producing effluents that contain toxic metals, reagents, organic compounds and catalyst. These pharmaceutical effluents are being used for irrigation purpose. Different samples of efflents, soil and vegitables analysed. Though the detected amounts are exceeded from WHO irrigation limits in water samples other than zinc. The analysis of soil sample showed that All metals were exceeding the controlled sample and WHO limits. The testing in vegetables samples showed that all the metals exceeded the permissible limit other than Fe and it was concluded that agricultural soil and vegetables of small industrial estate area of Sahiwal region were contaminated by increasing concentration of toxic metals due to untreated pharmaceutical effluents. There is a need of regular monitoring of pharmaceutiocal effluents enterimg into irrigation water sources in order to save quality of vegatables and health hazards.
    VL  - 5
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Author Information
  • Department of Biochemistry, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan

  • Department of Chemistry, University of Lahore Sargodha Campus, Punjab, Pakistan

  • Department of Chemistry, University of Lahore Sargodha Campus, Punjab, Pakistan

  • Department of Chemistry, University of Lahore Sargodha Campus, Punjab, Pakistan

  • Department of Chemistary Govt.Post Graduate College Samnabad, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan

  • Department of Chemistry, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan

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